Best Advice to Youth Aged 13-25 years: What to Know and What to Avoid?

Advice to youth aged 13-25 years

The age of 13-25 years is a critical one in which a person develops their personality and character. But it is also quite a vulnerable one, which makes them fall prey to unhealthy things. So here is the best advice to youth aged 13-25 years to help you avoid these things and live a prosperous life.

Stay away from hippies and others with fuzzy and odd ideas, and do not put your leaders on a pedestal. An advice to youth aged 13-25 years would be not to believe in the leaders more than you believe in yourself, as they are not better than you are.

Other Things to Stay Away From


People believe what they want to believe, and they want to believe it because of how their minds work. The far left and far right groups go to extremes as they are immature. The far left usually grows up spoiled, unconditionally loved, irresponsible, and learns to get by on the charm. Hence, they come of age idealistic and unprepared, find reality too harsh, and rebel radically.

They tend to tear down the establishment but expect it to cure all of society’s problems. Similar to how an adolescent criticizes about their folks but still expects them to solve all its problems, they do not hold the poor and others responsible as they never learned responsibility. They put responsibility aside and look for a world that is secure, socialistic, loving, positive, egalitarian, well-educated, and rational and psychologically oriented. When they don’t find it, they become cynical.

On the other extreme, we have the far-right group, who are immature in a different way and also repressed. These are the people who do not develop emotionally, establish identities, or become fully in touch with their feelings. Many of their issues are never resolved; hence, they tend to be angry and fearful. They always feel under siege and do not know the reason. They tend to resist change until everything is in order.

The far-right often takes fetishes of guns, the flag, the Constitution, and the past. For them, talking about sex is taboo, most issues are black and white, and gay people are abominations. They tend to over-identify with their leaders and want them to fight their battles, do their thinking, and be macho. When they don’t find these, they remain frustrated and angry.


Cults mostly appeal to young people with low self-esteem. These include people mostly in their late teens and early 20s, a time when they are forming their identities and are most open to changing their religious outlook. Major events like the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, etc, leave some people vulnerable, and they want the 24-hour structure and authority of a cult.

They feel like it simplifies their life, and they are able to give up their worries. Thus, many of them tend to turn towards cults as they give them authority. They look up to them as gurus.


Remember that 13-25 years is a great age, full of creativity, energy, ideas, and plans. And you don’t have to figure out everything by age 25. So keep an overview, be practical, and learn to endure failures.

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