America with blinders

America with blinders

America contributed the most in the Ukraine war against Russia.  What about the countries that contributed nothing?  Is it mostly up to America to protect Taiwan from China?  How many other countries will help?  Cuba and Venezuela are problems.  What is the OAS doing?  What has America been doing about the Mideast?   What have the Arab League and others?  The list goes on – North Korea, Somalia, Yemen, Central America… everything is up to us.   With blinders on we went into Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.  What did we get?   This is the fault of our leaders, media, universities and think tanks.  They don’t think outside the American box.

They should work only through democratic international organizations that require member countries to contribute their share.  NATO does this financially; each country has to contribute 2% of their GNP.  Great – an actual formula.  The same should be for sanctions, immigration, economics, reforms, drugs, human rights, political reforms, natural disasters … This would democratize and empower smaller countries which would work for these the hardest as they have the most to gain.  It would work with blocks of countries, G-7, G-8, G-20, WTO, IMF, BRICS …

– decrease our protectionism – reform the U.N.  reform the u.n. – Timeless issues  – not insist the dollar dominate –  tone down our far right’s macho talk – and not think America’s ‘exceptionalism’ means double standards.   We’re not number one in everything and don’t have to be.

In sharing the work we could share the credit and the blame and not make as many mistakes.

And every week we wouldn’t have to read ‘What’s America going to do about ……’

this, that, that over there, this famine, that conflict, this trade, that inflation, and this military takeover?  Time for others to do their share.                          #


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